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Rounds Receives 100 Percent Rating for Pro-Life Voting Record

Family Research Council Action Honors Rounds with ‘True Blue’ Award

PIERRE —U.S. Sen. Mike Rounds (R-S.D.) today announced that he received the Family Research Council (FRC) Action’s ‘True Blue’ award for his 100 percent rating to protect life, religious liberty and family values.

"We thank Sen. Rounds for voting to defend and advance faith, family, and freedom,” said Family Research Council Action President Tony Perkins. “As a 'True Blue' member, he voted 100% on FRC Action's Scorecard, including to protect babies who are born alive after a failed abortion, end taxpayer funding of abortion, and confirm pro-life, originalist judicial appointments.

"South Dakotans should be encouraged to know that they have a champion like Sen. Rounds in Congress, who has consistently stood up for life, family, and religious liberty, helping to defeat many bad pieces of legislation while the Trump administration and many state legislatures have been advancing pro-life, pro-family, and pro-religious liberty policies," concluded Perkins.

“Working as a state senator, governor of South Dakota, and now as a member of the U.S. Senate, the promotion of policies that put families first is very important to me,” said Rounds. “Upholding religious liberty and the sanctity of all life, from conception to natural death, is very important to the people of South Dakota who I represent. I thank the Family Research Council Action for bringing attention to these important issues that so many South Dakotans feel so strongly about.”



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