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  • 11.09.2020


    I don’t think I’ll ever forget the weekend of September 15, 2006. It’s one of those memories in life you’ll always remember, no matter how long you...
  •   Let’s be real – Washington D.C. is broken. If it were just you and me out there, we could figure this thing out pretty quickly with a little South Dakota common...
  • “I’m really impressed.” Words spoken about Judge Amy Coney Barrett. Words spoken by a surprising voice, Senator Dianne Feinstein, the top ranking Democrat on the...
  • HAU MITAKUYEPI, CANTE WASTE NAPE CIYUZAPELO (Hello my relatives, I greet you with warm heart and handshake).   This year, South Dakotans are celebrating the 30th anniversary...
  • When I was a kid growing up, I was a paperboy who delivered the Minneapolis Star Tribune to homes around Pierre. Today, news is delivered a little differently than it was back...
  • In the Bible, the book of Ecclesiastes says “there’s nothing new under the sun.” That’s been proven true time and time again. In 1937, President Franklin...
  • I come from a big family – a good Catholic family! I’m the oldest of eleven kids - Mike, Mick (Michele), Doc (Dennis), Doug, Tim, Dan, Tom, Pat, Steve, Scott and Jamie....
  • Jacob Chestnut. John Gibson. They’re not household names instantly recognizable. They were sons, husbands and fathers. They were two regular people, just like the rest of us,...
  • 09.11.2020


    I’m not savvy with social media by today’s standards. I’m pretty good with texting and emailing, but for the most part, I’m old fashioned and appreciate a...
  • I read a quote from my local sale barn operator Bryan Hanson, the other day: “You used to be able to survive on a 100 head operation; now you have to have a full-time job and...
  • I chair the Cybersecurity Subcommittee of the Senate Armed Services Committee. In that role, we’ve worked extensively on election security. It’s well documented that...
  • During the month of August, Congress traditionally takes an extended break from Washington to spend time at home to hear firsthand from their constituents, and this year is no...
  • Dear Students, Parents and Teachers: The longest summer break you will ever experience is almost over. Life has been different for all of us since COVID-19 hit our communities in...
  • With fewer than 90 days left until the November election, voters are considering how best to cast their ballot in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. We won’t be moving the...
  • South Dakota is a special place. We all know that. It’s where we choose to live, work and raise our kids. It’s where we call home and are surrounded by the people we...
  • This year marks the 60th consecutive year that the U.S. Senate has passed a bipartisan National Defense Authorization Act—or NDAA. The NDAA is one of the most important...
  • When the Senate goes back into session the week of July 20, one of the proposals we’ll be working on is a “phase four” coronavirus relief package. The last...
  • The year 2020 is only half written, but already it’s one for the history books.  Everyone, whether 8 or 78, will remember this year as one unlike any other.  While...
  • As we enter into the summer and continue working to get our economy back on track, COVID-19 continues to impact our country. Addressing growing public health needs has become a...
  • I’ll never forget the first time we brought our youngest son, Johnny, to see Mt. Rushmore. He was two at the time, and we were on a family road trip. We pulled up to Mt....