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Rounds Urges Senate Democrats to End Filibuster of TPA

WASHINGTON—U.S. Senator Mike Rounds (R-S.D.) today voted in favor of allowing debate on Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) legislation on the floor of the Senate.  TPA would strengthen the hand of the U.S. when entering into trade negotiations with foreign nations. Despite widespread bipartisan support for TPA, the vote failed 52-45. Every president since FDR has been granted TPA through 2007.

“I’m disappointed that Senate Democrats are putting politics before policy and blocking debate on TPA legislation,” said Rounds. “TPA promotes job growth here at home by allowing us to negotiate stronger, more enforceable international trade agreements that benefit our producers. As we negotiate trade deals in the Pacific region and other parts of the world, TPA will make certain that we have a strong voice in the global marketplace. In South Dakota, trade supports more than 124,000 jobs and results in billions of dollars of exports. I encourage Senate Democrats to work with us to pass TPA so we can open new markets for farmers, ranchers and business owners whose livelihoods depend on free and fair trade.”

Renewing bipartisan trade promotion authority would empower our negotiators to come up with the best trade agreements possible, making certain that American priorities always come first. America hasn’t signed any new trade deals in the past five years. Meanwhile, an estimated 400 trade agreements have been implemented around the world. In the past 40 years, only one trade agreement has passed without TPA. 

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