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Rounds Statement on Meeting with President Biden to Discuss COVID-19 Relief

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Mike Rounds (R-S.D.) today issued the following statement regarding a meeting he and nine of his Republican colleagues participated in with President Biden to discuss COVID-19 relief.

“South Dakotans sent me to Washington to stand up for our principles and get results. It’s important to be in these discussions to advocate for our state and work to keep out the bad policies that will hurt our families and businesses. As the saying goes – ‘if you’re not at the table, you’re on the menu.’

“Even though President Biden and I disagree on many issues, I’m grateful for his willingness to listen to our ideas and be open to compromise. Everyone in today’s meeting has shared goal of eliminating COVID-19 and providing relief to families who are truly struggling. It is better to build consensus and find a bipartisan path forward, rather than a massive, partisan bill that congressional Democrats are currently proposing.

“My primary goal in any COVID-19 relief package is to make sure that it is targeted and directly addresses the pandemic itself. And we must keep out provisions unrelated to COVID-19 – such as raising the national minimum wage – that will kill jobs and hurt the economy, especially at a time where we’re trying tirelessly to get people back to work.

“We agreed to keep talking on these important issues and I look forward to continue working together on areas in which we can find consensus.” 
