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Rounds Statement on CR Vote

WASHINGTON – U.S. Sen. Mike Rounds (R-S.D.), a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, today made the following statement on his decision to vote for the current Continuing Resolution (CR):

"Since coming to the Senate, I've expressed my frustration with our broken budget system, which hasn't worked in 40 of the last 44 years that the current budget process has been in place. Continuing Resolutions are ineffective and destabilize government programs. I am particularly concerned about the negative impact CRs have on our military personnel and readiness. Military leaders have repeatedly warned of the negative impact short-term CRs have on their ability to adequately train, equip and maintain the force. I have agreed to support the current Continuing Resolution after receiving assurances that legislation to adequately fund our troops will be considered in both the House and Senate in a timely manner. While not ideal, I am encouraged by this commitment to return to regular order by considering defense appropriations legislation in the near future so we can provide the necessary resources for our troops to conduct operations around the globe.”
