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Rounds: Senate Continues to Make Progress on Being More Accountable to American Taxpayers

WASHINGTON—U.S. Sen. Mike Rounds (R-S.D.) today made the following statement after the Senate passed H.R. 6147, a package of four Fiscal Year 2019 appropriation measures.

“The Senate has been working under ‘regular order’ to finalize appropriation bills, which is what I have been calling for since I took office in 2015,” said Rounds. “I’m glad we are continuing to make progress by working in a transparent, bipartisan manner as we read and debate important funding bills. Getting back to regular order is a good way for Congress to keep its spending in check and be more accountable to American taxpayers.”

The appropriation package passed by the Senate today will now go to conference with the House. It includes the following appropriation measures: Interior and Environment, Financial Services and General Government, Transportation, Housing and Urban Development and Agriculture.
