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Rounds Receives NFIB “Guardian of Small Business Award” for 100 Percent Pro-Small-Business Voting Record

WASHINGTON—U.S. Sen. Mike Rounds (R-S.D.) announced that he received the Guardian of Small Business Award from the National Federation of Independent Businesses (NFIB). The award is given to members of Congress who work to strengthen small businesses in their states. Rounds received a 100-percent, pro-small-business voting record from the NFIB during the 115th Congress (2017-2018).

“South Dakota’s small businesses provide good-paying jobs, play an important role in our communities and reinvest into the future of our state,” said Rounds. “I thank NFIB for this recognition and I’ll continue working in the Senate to advance legislation that helps South Dakota’s small businesses succeed.”

“Senator Rounds was a true friend of small business during his time as governor and hasn’t wavered one step during his time in the U.S. Senate,” said NFIB South Dakota State Director Lindsey Riter-Rapp. “His 100 percent support for Main Street enterprises in the last session of Congress follows his 100-percent voting record in the 114th Congress. Now that the political composition of 116th Congress has changed a bit, it’s reassuring to know that we can count on small-business allies such as Senator Rounds to fight any attempt to weaken the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, which has done so much for Main Street, mom-and-pop businesses.”


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