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Rounds Issues Statement on President Biden’s Executive Actions Expanding Obamacare and Attacking Life

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Mike Rounds (R-S.D.) issued the following statement today on executive actions taken by President Joe Biden to expand Obamacare and allow taxpayer dollars to be spent to fund overseas abortions:

“We’ve spent the last four years fighting to roll back government overreach in private healthcare and protect the sanctity of human life. In the early days of the Biden presidency, we are watching some of our progress be destroyed.

“Obamacare led to higher premiums, fewer options for consumers and caused millions of Americans to lose the health insurance they preferred. We eliminated Obamacare’s individual mandate giving patients better control of their health insurance. Today’s steps to expand Obamacare are steps reversing our progress. They do not move us forward, only backward.

“Additionally, I am deeply disappointed in President Biden’s decision to overturn the Mexico City Policy. This decision will allow federal taxpayer dollars to be spent to fund abortions overseas. This is flat-out wrong - an attack on life anywhere is an attack on life everywhere.

“President Biden has said he wants to be a president for all Americans. But actions speak louder than words. These actions prove that he is only interested in furthering a left-wing agenda.”
