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Rounds Encourages South Dakotans to Send Feedback on TPP

WASHINGTON—U.S. Senator Mike Rounds (R-S.D.) today posted the full text of the just-released Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade agreement on his website. South Dakotans interested in learning more about the proposed trade agreement are encouraged to review it and send their comments to Sen. Rounds.

“International trade plays an important role in American commerce,” said Rounds. “From higher wages for U.S. workers to supporting small businesses and agriculture, trade has a proven record of keeping our economy healthy and vibrant. However, we must make certain these agreements are fair and do not put hard-working South Dakota producers at a competitive disadvantage. The bipartisan Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) legislation passed earlier this year was an important first step in establishing clear guidelines for reviewing the TPP deal by enforcing transparency, maintaining Congress’ important role in the approval process and giving South Dakotans a voice in the final product. I look forward to reviewing the TPP agreement in the coming months and hearing from South Dakotans before it comes for a vote in the Senate.”

On November 5, 2015, the full text of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement was made public. This text will be available for public comment for several months before Congress considers it for a vote.

The full text of the TPP agreement is available here.

South Dakotans can share their thoughts and concerns regarding specific sections of the agreement with Sen. Rounds by calling his Washington, D.C., or South Dakota offices, or by emailing him here.